Fabre and the City
    Production: Musée Fabre, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole
    Historic Supervision: Florence Hudowicz and Anne Le Cabec
    Developped by: Atlantide
    Scenario: Manoir du crime
    Direction: Eric Serre
    Graphic autor: Léa Cluzel
    Music: MARE NOSTRUM Records

The project

The “Musée Fabre” in Montpellier celebrates in 2020 the 800 years anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine, by curating an entire exhibition to educate and share on the various treaties dedicated to anatomy and academic studies of the human bodies through both artful and scientific representations. From iconic masculine naked bodies painted by François-Xavier Fabre or more specific studies by Jean-Antoine Houdon, they will showcase the importance of art in relation to medicine.

As a part of that celebration, Fabre Museum initiated the creation of an app made of multiple little animated videos, aimed at helping people discover the 8 centuries of intertwined stories between Medicine and Montpellier, through a geolocalized journey showcasing the various locations and historic figures behind the city’s identity.

still from the app
