So that culture under covid doesn't get to be defined by more injustice than it already carries facing this worldwide crisis and it's consequences, MARE NOSTRUM records will join the call for independant labels.
It's fundamental to stress out though, that this hardly a battle located in France and France only. We're also well aware and in full supports of the initiatives recently created by the Union of Musicians and Allied Workers abroad. As long as we don’t unite and consider the struggles our world (let’s not call it an industry for once) is facing as a challenge to rise and organize ourselves to create the alternative to the Major dominated paradigm we currently live in, we won’t be able to bring any meaningful long term solutions to the problems we’re facing. It includes making sure Black Lives Matter. It includes making sure Trans Rights Are Human Rights. It includes making sure no systemic oppression is performed on all artists alike, no division of the workforce is blessed by our cultural habits as “neutral” and “normal”. It’s a huge undertaking, and it’s an uphill battle, but we sincerely hope the times are showing us it needs to change sooner than later.